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Minutes 25 November 2022

Present: Leigh Walton (Chair), Cllr Matt Dormer, Kevin Dicks, Pete Sugg, Julia Breakwell, Ruth Bamford, Georgina Harris, Gary Woodman, Ostap Paparega, Peter Carpenter, Ian Smith, Clayton Maponga, Penny Unwin, Muj Rahman, Claire Green, Anne-Marie Harley, Susan Tasker (notes)

Apologies: Annette Daly, Cllr Simon Geraghty, Jane Doyle

Item number





Noted and agreed as a true record.




None declared.




Agreed as a true record and no matters arising.

All board members asked to complete the profile sheet with picture and return it to clayton. This will then be put on the Redditch Town Deal website.




a. Digital manufacturing and innovation centre update

NWedr preparing tender documents for multi-disciplinary professional services for procurement in February ’23 and Board approval January ’23.

Cllr Dormer and Ostap met with the newly established Greater Birmingham and Solihull Institute of Technology, which is the region’s hub for advanced manufacturing and engineering. They offer a range of support for businesses (in the sector) but also skills, courses, and training. Cllr Dormer and Ostap will visit in January for a detailed meeting and to arrange for a Town Deal Board mtg to take place at their premises.

Construction of digital centre to start on site 2025 and completion March 2026.

Pete reminded money is time limited till March 2026, which was noted. Ostap updated on the plan re blue light. Ruth checked re innovation centre that we have involvement of WCC highways to ensure right layout is remaining and good pedestrian access (by palace/court). Ostap said once design team in place Highways will be part of the team. Ruth would have some early conversations with WCC highways. Kevin asked for written updates to board with plans etc so discipline / transparency and for those not present. Clayton said it can be circulated afterward, but Kevin said it is required beforehand so members can read and prompt discussion/questions.

b. Redditch town centre public realm update

Indicative draft delivery master plan programme has been developed in consultation with Worcestershire County Council and currently undergoing internal NWedr review prior to presentation to the RBC CLT and project board for review and approval.

Ongoing design review and monthly meetings currently being held to firm up designs before these are presented to the Board for final review and approval.

Project to be delivered in partnership with WCC using the same delivery model as the Redditch Public Realm 2.

c. Library redevelopment

Business Case approved by DLUHC 15th November. First release of money in new year.

Mott McDonalds have provided images and working on a video release to help with the consultation.

Tender for multi-disciplinary team as a. above.

Kevin said it might be worthwhile going through the visuals / co-creation of the town hall. Pete asked about the first release of money, Ian S said there isn’t any clawback and if there were over running issues then they would manage that. Pete said this is that the project couldn’t go ahead without library, Ian said a new project could be submitted but then timescales would be a consideration. Leigh said at a BID meeting the surrounding building/area was raised in terms of demolition including John Bonham memorial. Leigh raised concern about negative consultation and we need to get more positive messages out. The virtual reality session will be part of this and hope that will reach the demographic that we aren’t interacting with as yet. Matt said roadshows are happening on a weekend and the positive feedback has been phenomenal and there is buy in so hoping over time the negativity will be pushed out of the way.

Anne-Marie said there is a comms plan which was circulated and verbally outlined, to compliment the County consultation. A walk about with Cllr Dormer and Tristan at the Standard is taking place on 30th November. When we have the VR/imagines/video that will be pushed out in December. Press release on 5th December about NHS moving into the Town Hall. Once consultation ends the results will be shared and then RBC/NWEDR will have more flexibility to do more publicity after that. There are always negative comments and it is best to have the truth out there and push that rather than respond to every negative comment. Will advertise website everywhere within all contacts. Kevin suggested the comms come from the Redditch Towns Deal Board rather than RBC and need regular comms which Matt agreed. It is a RTD Board decision that includes a wide range of people / organisations rather than Council/Councillors. Anne-Marie said in light of that could put the profiles/short videos into the press to say who the Board are. This was agreed.




Georgina provided an update. Pete said £295K needs to be paid this year, with bigger totals in following years. Kevin asked to know when things are signed off by the Government would be helpful before the Council commits. A sub group needs to be set up to manage this including Kevin, Gary, Pete S, Georgina, Julia, Muj. Ian hoped this assurance can be given by end of year, with mitigations if it is not. Significant challenges on councils puts RBC at risk if Government do not confirm the position. Gary said it would be worth getting prioritisation would be sensible and cover the accountability point; Gary volunteered to pick this up.



Any other Business




Date of Next Meeting

19th January 2023


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