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Minutes 22 July 2022

1. Welcome and apologies


Leigh Walton (Chair), Cllr Matt Dormer, Cllr Simon Geraghty, Kevin Dicks, Ostap Paparega, Clayton Maponga, Georgina Harris, David Mitchell, Joshua Godfrey, Julia Breakwell, Pete Sugg, Peter Carpenter, Ian Smith, Gary Woodman, Muj Rahman, Susan Tasker (notes)


Gemma Monaco

2. UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Georgina updated on progress since the last meeting. Purpose today is to discuss the investment plan and seek endorsement. Sufficient proposals received to cover the funding but it was unbalanced so the RBC management team have amended that through their knowledge of requirements around designing out crime etc. Georgina took the Board through the proposed investment projects as per the plan attached to the agenda.

Muj asked about consultation, Georgina said as much is being done up front as possible before submission and there will be opportunities later on and Redditch BID would be one of the first organisations to consult with.

Kevin said he hopes these interventions collectively seek to address issues in the town. Unlikely we will get answer till later in the year. The level of detail required to deliver a 3 year project is unrealistic when projects are still being decided upon eg outcome on skills/jobs. Unfortunate skills fund cannot be spent before year 3. Ian agreed with Kevin’s comment but said at this stage there is no intention to hold council to account on stated figures, for example; clawback so the plan can be reviewed as it progresses.

Georgina asked for sign off that these interventions address the issues in Redditch and sought endorsement of the Board.

Georgina said Government guidance allows for funding to be shifted from one element to another if required, so allows for flexibility, with Board agreement.

Cllr Matt Dormer proposed that it is endorsed. Leigh seconded that. The whole board gave endorsement. Nobody disagreed or abstained.

3. Any other business


4. Date of next meeting

The next date in the diary is Friday 9 September 2022. Proposal to hold a meeting on the morning of Tuesday 2 August. NWedR to email out to check who can attend that (given short notice).

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