The Town Investment Plan formed the basis of Redditch’s bid to the Towns Fund.
This vision was collaboratively developed and approved by Redditch Town Deal Board, which represents public, private, and voluntary sectors and wider stakeholders in the local community. It represents the future vision and ambition for Redditch and will help the town to take steps to achieve many of its transformation objectives.
"Unlocking Redditch forms a vision to transform Redditch from a traditional New Town into a New smart Town fit for the 21st century, which is a great place to live and work and an investment and visitor destination. We will achieve this vision by laying the foundations for Redditch to become a digital, green, connected and creative town."
Redditch’s vision is built on four themes which lie at the heart of an investment approach (unlocking Redditch) and will drive positive outcomes.
Read the Town Investment Plan submitted to government in January 2021
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