Leigh Walton (Chair), Kevin Dicks, Peter Carpenter, Claire Felton, Ostap Paparega, Gemma Monaco, Clayton Maponga, Penny Unwin, Joshua Godfrey, Pete Sugg, Peter Carpenter, Muj Rahman, Susan Tasker (notes), Jennie Arthur from VIY (item 3)
Councillor Matt Dormer, Councillor Simon Geraghty, David Mitchell, Julia Breakwell, Ian Smith, Gary Woodman, Annette Daly, Tim Martin
Noted and agreed as a true record.
Library site redevelopment: This was discussed in respect of the move to the Town Hall. This would be subject to public consultation. Claire F said WCC Cabinet will need to make a decision in September as part of timeline which is all programmed in.
Of the three projects:-
Pete introduced this item giving a brief explanation of how they had got to the current point. They are interested in doing more. Jennie Arthur joined the meeting. Jennie said they are looking at refurbishing voluntary locations that need repurposing. This is for young people, who are disengaged from formal trading, receive trades accreditation. This provides work experience and helps them then move onto other training or employment opportunities. This is about raising aspiration and giving them role models. Jennie said the youngsters say they have found the process inspirational. This leads to increased sustainability/confidence of community/sports groups and increased inclusivity.
Kevin said he had had an email from Judy Gibbs and she is interested and so she would link up with Pete and Sarah MacIntosh.
Muj as Redditch BID manager said transforming under utilised units around the town into a great space would be good news. Jennie said this is the type of projects they have done in the past that provides a community space and gives training/accreditation to young people.
Kevin said the intention is to broaden out the remit of this group, so anything that this group can do it will. So if we have any potential schemes bring them here.
Leigh suggested she meet with Muj, Pete and David.
The next date in the diary is Friday 9 September 2022. Agreed to change the October meeting to another day (not Friday).
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