Leigh Walton welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Leigh Walton (Chair), Kevin Dicks, James Howse, Councillor Matt Dormer, Councillor Marc Bayliss (substitute for Councillor Simon Geraghty), Clayton Maponga, David Mitchell, Ian Smith, Pete Sugg, David Mitchell, Georgina Harris, Barbara Newman(minutes)
Julia Breakwell, Simon Hyde, Ostap Pararega, Councillor Simon Geraghty
Minutes agreed.
It was advised that Simon Hyde had resigned from the Board and Councillor Matt Dormer proposed Gemma Monaco (a former councillor who works with Network Rail) as Vice Chair. This was seconded by Leigh Walton.
Clayton Maponga gave a presentation on behalf of Ostap. Clayton had recently joined NWedR.
Clayton advised that Redditch Borough Council had submitted a Town Investment Plan and this had been supported. Three projects had been nominated:-
Mott MacDonald (MMcD) had been appointed to develop the business cases for the three projects above using the Five Cases Business Case model as follows:-
Working with MMcD on providing information. Ongoing exercise and business cases to be completed by 15 June. MMcD would provide first draft to present to Executive for sign off. Significant progress had been made on all business cases.
The development appraisal on the Redditch Digital Manufacturing and Innovation Centre had been completed with the cost plan updated as a result. Clayton advised that although showing over budget because when developing case plans and concept everything is put in, would rather be in this position when starting a project and then look at how it could be scaled down to fit in with budget. Also working with SQW consultancy, who are undertaking several commissions including market demand and analysis and engagement with local business and soft market testing.
The library had gone through several alterations of site design and work continuing with MMcD. Consultations had been undertaken between Redditch Borough Council, Worcestershire County Council (WCC) and the library.
Councillor Dormer advised agreement in principle between WCC and BC and business case had been progressed and submitted to CC. It was advised that there were some strict parameters.
As a result of the above a 3-month deadline extension of time had been submitted to the central government to allow the Redditch Borough Council, Worcestershire County Council, and the Library Services to reach an optimum solution on the relocation of the library services. Clayton advised that he had received confirmation of the extension today until 30 September.
It was advised that the first draft had been completed and 3 cost estimates provided. Good position to look at options. First consultations on-going with Ruth and Jane. MMcD have been asked to look at designs by WCC to see whether improvement can be made to reduce cost without reducing the quality. The summary documents to be issued by 29 June.
Kevin raised the point that he had expected the Business Cases to be presented to the Town Board at this meeting for comment. This raised the question if a further Town Board meeting was required for these to be considered.
Clayton had no objections in making sure the Board had sight of draft, due in on 15 June and agreed to circulate to Board as well as Executive next week in preparation for the meeting on 28 June. Comments received by the 26 can be incorporated in the final documents going out on 29 June. Further separate discussions to be held regarding input.
Ian Smith endorsed what Kevin said that the summary documents need to be signed off by the Board. It was agreed that a special Board meeting to be held so Board comments can be fed into Executive.
Business case to be circulated as soon as possible and a lead time for Executive to change things if necessary. Further extensions to be discussed separately between Clayton and Ian and update to be given at next meeting. It was confirmed that there was no penalisation for extensions but it does put pressure on delivery.
A more detailed update would be provided at next meeting.
Councillor Dormer raised the issue of the taxi rank and that the taxi rank was still included in the design. Councillor Dormer to meet with Ruth Bamford next week.
Discussions took place regarding the library and opening up the area to be more inviting. This would not be the case with the proposed ‘L’ shape building. A wider acknowledgement needed with the Kingfisher Centre and WCC. It is about flow more than public space. Need to engage with more partners to accomplish the flow aspect.
Councillor Dormer explained that the intention of the removal of taxi rank was to increase parking to aid the nearby shops. Clayton advised that Ruth and Jane had gone through the business case and then sent to MMcD from a design perspective for improvements.
Issues mainly around project dependencies i.e. library location and Digital Innovation centre. The police moving from their current site for the Digital Innovation Centre.
Kevin advised he had met with John Champion from PCC and had been advised that 2 badger sets had been discovered. This could cause a 6 to 9 month set back. Discussions with the PCC and Planning had taken place and agreement confirmed would be honoured. Councillor Dormer was reported that there was a kestrel in the top of the tower.
Clayton advised that there were no major changes to report.
Georgina Harris, Business Growth Manager, NWedR gave a presentation on the UK Prosperity Fund.
The fund is a central pillar of Government levelling up agenda and replaces the EC Structure Fund. Every area as a conditional allocation to fund. Starts April 22 and ends 2025. Develop an investment plan to unlock. It has 3 priorities:-
Years 1-2 focus on communities and place and support local business. People and skills will come into place in the third year and hence why the third year figure is higher. There are 41 interventions to and identify needs locally. Contacted lots of organisations/stakeholders to ask about projects they deliver or feel need to be delivered and project packs issued. Must align to at least one of the 41 interventions. Information provided by project promotors will be examined and then a decision made of what projects go in. It will be a challenging timeline and will have to go through Council approval process by 1 August 2022 and Government approval from Oct 2022. As to be endorsed by local MP and local partnership plan. The timeline is submission of proposal by 20 June, endorsement by Local Partnership Group by 30 June and plan approval by Executive on 14 July.
Gary Woodman asked if adopting standard paperwork to fill in and Georgina confirmed yes it was standardised documentation and support would be available.
Ian explained the difference between Town Fund and UK Prosperity Fund. It was not a competition and if not approved first off would be worked through.
Discussions took place regarding the local partnership group and Kevin stated the Board would take on a wider role and not be restricted to the Town Deal. All agreed.
Ian advised that it was the Lead Authority to decide on partnership board, membership and terms of reference.
Agreed the Board this group take on the oversight of levelling up as required.
Clayton to advise of the current situation with regard to the draft business case and this would dictate timescales for next meeting. Clayton to send due date of next meeting after report issued.
David Mitchell and Pete Sugg had met because have a keen interest on the Innovation Centre. Georgina to discuss further with David and Pete. DM also had meeting with Councillor Dormer and Kevin and requested a further meeting to look at what young people would like out of this centre. David will put meeting request back in.
Clayton also to put David in contact with SQ consultants to discuss further.
Councillor Dormer advised Young People Business Forum to be held on 24 June and to feedback to Board. Councillor Dormer to invite David Mitchell.
To be confirmed.
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