Leigh Walton (Chair), Rachel McClean MP, Councillor Matt Dormer, David Mitchell, Ian Smith, Peter Carpenter, Claire Felton, Gemma Monaco, Clayton Marponga, Penny Unwin, Muj Rahman, Claire Green, Rory Mosseveld, Corin Trafford, Susan Tasker (notes)
Kevin Dicks, Pete Sugg, Julia Breakwell, Annette Daly, Councillor Simon Geraghty, Ostap Paparega
Noted and agreed as a true record.
No declaration of interests.
Clayton gave an update on current position of each project as per agenda papers.
a. Digital Manufacturing and Innovation Centre Update
Approved by DLUHC 9 September, 1 grant payment released by DLUHC 23 September.
Project Delivery Masterplan developed and awaiting NWedR internal review before presentation to Redditch Borough Council and Board for sign-off
b. Redditch Town Centre Public Realm Update
Approved by DLUHC 9 September, 1 grant payment released by DLUHC 23 September.
Project Delivery Masterplan developed in consultation with Worcestershire County Council and awaiting NWedR internal review before presentation to Redditch Borough Council and Board for sign-off
c. Library Redevelopment Review and Sign-Off
Mott McDonald were asked to propose something within budget and delivers outcomes and objective, which has now been provided which Clayton outlined. Scheme approved at Redditch Borough Council Council on 10 October.
Leigh said Julia B had asked about the library space – whether there can be some information given to the public to allay their concerns. Matt said we cannot release any more information until the County Council has approved this and it is out to consultation. Matt said that the new library space in hub is 12 square metres larger than current, so slightly bigger. Pete said there will be drone type information to look at virtual space. Claire said there will be some FAQ as part of comms/consultation that can pick all this up. The new space will offer better disabled parking at Town Hall/Community Hub and for volunteers who deliver books; so it has been ability to function. Library will also have additional space within the wider building. So these improvements will be conveyed.
Clayton said the building, replacing the library site, will be glass fronted to make it much lighter and smaller that current building. So opening the whole area up allowing more movement into the KFC and Church Green. This is yet to be designed.
Rachel agreed there is a lot of positive news. In answer to Rachel’s questions, Claire said the library consultation is statutory process undertaken by Worcestershire County Council. Redditch Borough Council / comms are interacting on that to ensure it is a good message making it positive, using Edison’s consultants to produce visual designs secured next week for Worcestershire County Council Overview and Scrutiny exercise. CF and Peter C will support that to make sure these, plans, vision are made publicly and positively visual. The consultation is just focused on the library. Claire said once the consultation on library has started Redditch Borough Council can then provide more broader messages about the wider concept of the Hub so public can understand holistic nature of the space. Whereas there won’t be consultation as such on the hub – it is a decision that Redditch Borough Council takes so it is about communication to residents. Clayton added that we should have the CGI’s by the 21 October looking at what will be redeveloped on the site of the old library. Clayton said this board is integral to all decisions and will receive all information, designs etc. The next step once DLUC agrees proposal is to appoint consultants to draw up designs and plans. So this Board will make decisions as to what designs will be put to Redditch Borough Council/Worcestershire County Council Council’s to sign off. Public comms on designs/plans would be late 2023 into 2024 – depending on when DLUC sign off, consultants appointed and design work done.
In answer to Muj’s question about concerns about type of shops, Matt said we can only affect Redditch Borough Council Town Hall and Library, we are unable to affect what private landlords do other than through planning process. We are in dialogue with Kingfisher Centre and they are on board. Leigh said this was mentioned at previous meeting / VIY project and there could be some options that a sub group of this Board and Muj could help work on to influence change. Councillor Dormer said he would pick this conversation up outside of this meeting
Peter said, should the library consultation be successful it will move in Aug/Sept 2024 so that is the timetable.
The Board agreed recommendation to sign off these documents and submit to DLUC. Endorsed by all attendees.
Councillor Dormar to follow up.
PR – Leigh mentioned previous discussions with Lyndsey Berry /Jane Doyle around PR. Agreed to invite both Jayne and Anne-Marie Harley to future meetings so we can start to build up joint communications. (Susan is responsible).
Date of Next Meeting – 10.30 am on Friday 25 November
Meetings in 2023 – agreed to continue same frequency (6 weekly) but alternate them between a Thursday and Friday.
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