Present: Leigh Walton (Chair), Cllr Matt Dormer, Kevin Dicks, Pete Sugg, Julia Breakwell, Ruth Bamford, Gary Woodman, Peter Carpenter, Clayton Maponga, Muj Rahman, Rachel Maclean, Gemma Monaco, Ian Smith, Joshua Godfrey, Simon Geraghty, Claire Felton, Barbara Newman (Notes)
Apologies: Penny Unwin, Annette Daly, Ostap Paparaga, David Mitchell
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NOTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Noted and agreed as a true record. |
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DLUHC Town Deal Board Supplementary Guidance Review Leigh commented that where we were moving into delivery, some additional guidance may be useful. Reminder that local groups were key to local businesses and that communication was important with local businesses on a regular basis. |
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ACTIONS FROM LAST MEETING Gary and sub-group were looking at UKSPF and would keep the Board updated. Profiles were to be sent to Anne-Marie. |
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PROJECTS PROGRESS UPDATE As requested by Kevin at last meeting update, status reports issued for all projects and Clayton gave a brief run through below. |
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DIGITAL MANUFACTURING AND INNOVATION CENTRE Business Case approved by DLUHC in September 2022. and expected some update next month. Liaising with Finance colleagues regarding confirmation of grant funding release by DLUHC. To appoint a cost accountant and architect to work on concept design and liaising with RBC procurement department on this. Report more at next Board meeting. Due to present project delivery master programme for the Innovation Centre but events were overtaken over the festive period. Information came to light which had impacted on the Innovation Centre and the presentation now delayed until March. Follow up Project information and exchange visit to newly established Birmingham and Solihull Institute of Technology by Cllr Dormer and Ostap planned for February. It’s anticipated that the March Board meeting to be held at the IOT Board meeting to be held at the Institute of Technology. Project Risks and Mitigations Funding Gap - £8m funding given for Digital and Innovation Centre and the latest cost plan/project costing estimated at £10m. Peter advised of claims into West Midlands to cover the funding gap. Funds available from Greater Birmingham and Solihull Enterprise Partnership. Relocation of Police Service – Relocation from Grove Street to Middlehouse Lane. Middlehouse Lane project currently in delivery but there are environmental issues. Conversation on-going regarding what if the Middlehouse Lane not ready. Rising construction and labour costs – We cannot quantify how these will impact of project. Planning concerns – Started consultation with Planning Department. Meeting set up with Worcestershire County Highways. There are some issues that will come up from these and keep in mind going forward. Site – Current building contaminated with asbestos but owners to provide the development clean but cannot guarantee this until clean certificates received. Operational – Talking to potential operators of development and occupiers. Make sure the building is finished and ready for people to move in. Gary asked if we were confident of the end date and Clayton responded will be achieved by 31 March 2026. |
Clayton |
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LIBRARY REDEVELOPMENT Business Case approved by DLUHC in November and monies to be released this January. Instructed Mott McDonald for computer generated images which have helped with wider consultation. Now live on RBC and Town Deal websites. A video also produced to compliment the images. VR simulation experience also produced with help from colleagues in Comms. This was used at public event held on 16 and 17 December at the Kingfisher Centre. Comments have been shared and can learn from these. Commissioned Mott McDonald to deliver 3d physical model of the Redditch Town Centre as whole so can visualise in a holistic view. Docs for multi-disciplinary team are being prepared. Following public consultation going to be made aware of decision by WCC as soon as possible but Cabinet not meeting until 25 May for decision to be made. A 10-day cooling period it will take us into June. Cllr Dormer attended the 3d walk through and expressed that there was an initial fear by the people of the library going but then felt as long as we have a library do not mind where it is. Cllr Dormer stated that there were so many positive people but need these people to engage in consultation and this would be a challenge. Leigh asked if forms were being filled in at the roadshows and Cllr Dormer advised they were and a leaflet with QR codes was also handed out. Peter advised that there were two consultations happening at library (24 February (5pm – 9pm) and 9th February 10am – 12pm) and working on pre-planning with WCC officers on how move will take place. Feedback was looked at and Julia suggested that comms were issued and to look at the services i.e. clubs. Leigh suggested having another event day but to be held in the open area of the Kingfisher Centre rather than within a shop area. Claire advised that regular meetings were held with WCC to discuss issues and what could be done to alleviate community fears. WCC were developing a ‘frequently asked questions’ to combat any concerns. Claire advised that she would take today’s comments back to WCC. Kevin stressed we should focus on the positives of the feedback. Clayton commented that any further event needs to be after consultation is finished and arranged by Anne-Marie. Agreed these needed doing more frequently to keep people informed all the way through. Also advised that work is going on inside of the new library and consulting with Peter and Claire regarding internal layout of community hub. A virtual walk through will be available where location of clubs will be highlighted. Project Risks and Mitigations Funding Gap – Peter advised that we do not have a funding gap for the library project but need to look at what is happening in the wider economy regarding raising construction costs etc. This is likely to create a funding gap. Relocation of Library services – This depends on the 25 May. Ruth stressed the importance of early pre-engagement. Demand – Looking forward as soon as we are finished to have the right people to move in. An early soft market testing taking place. Practical completion by September 2025 and then 3 months for Internal fit-out works work to be carried out ready for occupancy. Need to deliver on objectives as early as we can. Peter advised cannot start until we move the library and that this was a limiting factor. Dates were discussed and Clayton to reprofile. |
Claire Clayton |
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PUBLIC REALM Business Case approved by DLUHC in September 2022. 1st grant payment to be released and Peter to notify when this received. Working with WCC and monthly meetings held with WCC Highways and they have developed an indicative programme (circulated with this meeting’s papers). Ruth stated key issue is how the public realm scheme marrys up with railway station. On-going design meetings taking place and deadline for comments being collected by Jane Berry and will be passed on to Delivery Board. Meeting also with West Mercia Police to be as inclusive as possible i.e. CCTV. Comments will go to the Project Board. Design freeze as 17 March and then asked for sign-off for delivery stage. Working with WCC Highways on Memorandum of Understanding and this has now . gone back to WCC and approved by RBC legal team. Schedules and programmes now to be facilitated. Kevin stated that the reference to Worcester City needs to be taken out and Clayton agreed to update Memorandum of Understanding (check if correct copy has been circulated). Project Risks and Mitigations Fixed budget – Funding from Central Government and construction costs again impacting. Issues need addressing – some things outside of our control. Colleagues from West Mercia Police have different views and need to be mindful of these. |
Clayton |
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LOOK AHEAD Peter updated the Board on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and advised that we were waiting for final list to go through of approved projects for 22/23 and 24/25 with funding of £2.5m. This was massively over subscribed - £4m of projects were put forward. Georgina currently looking at the list and then to be approved. Leigh asked for feedback on recent meeting. Julia stated that the information was well presented and conversations held about some projects being scaled down. Georgina to come back with a definitive list. Peter Sugg reiterated Julia’s comments and stated it was a strong robust process. Muj stated there were a lot of viable projects proposed and having spoken to Georgina, addressing questions raised and awaiting to finalise reports. It was commented that year 3 was quite heavily overspent. It was agreed that congratulations to go to Georgina on what was a massive amount of work. Ruth advised because of time scales for year 1 spend, it would need agreement by email rather than at the next meeting. Peter agreed and email to be expected from Georgina that needed turning round quite quickly. |
Georgina |
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AOB Kevin asked for the future Board agenda to look at wider picture including SPF, for Board to see what visuals are around community hub and train station. To share proposals with this Board i.e. Matchborough and Winyates development. Peter advised that the first assurance review was due by the 25 January. Clayton asked for authorisation for Anne-Marie and Jane Doyle for next public event and timings. All agreed. Clayton to speak to Anne-Marie. Cllr Dormer advised that we had been unsuccessful in the Levelling Up Fund Bid. Will rebid and continue to look for other funding streams. Kevin advised he needed to discuss resources regarding Anne-Marie’s team re comms strategy for this. |
Leigh Clayton Kevin |
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DONM 10th March 2023 @ 10:30 |
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