Adam Freeth (Chair), Shaker-UK/The Orangery
Ruth Bamford, Head of Planning
Julie Breakwell, Heart of Worcestershire College
Leigh Walton (Vice Chair), Redditch resident and member of Redditch Community Forum
Cllr Matthew Dormer, Leader of Redditch Borough Council
Kevin Dicks, Redditch Borough Council
Ostap Paparega, Head of North Worcestershire Economic Development and Regeneration
Gary Woodman, Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (WLEP)
Duncan Berry, YMCA
Ollie Hindle, Cities and Local Growth Unit
Rebecca Collings, Redditch Town Deal Coordinator
Victoria Hurst, Mott Macdonald
Jon Barlow, Mott Macdonald
Penny Unwin, Worcestershire County Council OPE
Ricardo Bobisse, AR Urbanism
Shanaaz Carroll, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP)
Simon Geraghty, Leader of Worcestershire County Council
Tim Martin, West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)
Cllr Matthew Dormer, Leader of Redditch Borough Council
Simon Hyde, Faun Zoeller
No updates
Jon Barlow from Mott MacDonald outlined the summary of key economic data that will used in the Town Investment plan. JB outlines the economic baseline for Redditch.
OP- thanks Mott MacDonald and states the outline show Redditch has a very high employment in manufacturing which represents an opportunity as well as a challenge. Third largest sector for employment and economic activity in Redditch is Information, Communications, and technology sectors (ICT) which fits in well with the investment options for the TIP.
RB – We need quality over quantity with apprenticeship provision in Redditch. Redditch has high number of lower qualified individual seeking apprenticeships and we need to make sure that there is a high skilled offer for high performing young people who may not want to go to university.
JB – college does not provide all the apprenticeships. There is a limited number of apprenticeships at the degree level in Redditch. Employment opportunities are lacking for the degree level apprenticeships.
PU – what data is there regarding train usage?
JB – under represented train usage and we have seen that Redditch residents are commuting out of the borough to work. The legacy of the new town has reinforced the high car use.
GW – need to drill down into each key findings to see how the TIP investments will turn the dial on some of key challenges for Redditch
KD – Redditch’s reliance on advanced manufacturing is a massive risk and opportunity so we need to manage that. We should be linking the prominent ICT sectors in Redditch to any TIP investment proposals.
OP – nearly half of all jobs in Redditch are either in retail or manufacturing and these are the two areas most at risk from future developments in digital and automation.
AF – Redditch is at this tipping point for investment where it can capitalise on the movement of people and businesses out of city centres. There should be investment in the leisure sector in the town centre to bring people into the town.
VH – 30 slide supporting document will provide the detail on each key finding. This will be sent to the board - Action
Ricardo Bobisse from AR Urbanism presents a summary of the masterplan. RIB notes that the fully appraised options will be presented at Friday 18 December meeting.
Overall vision and summary to create a ’15 minute’ town. Kingfisher is an asset but it has a very poor integration with the rest of the town centre. Ensuring Town hall remains an anchor that spreads the footfall down the south/east.
AF – Thanks RiB for the summary presentation and looks forward to the presentation of the fully appraised options
OP- executive summary, project prioritisation tool/scoring and project pro-forma each project will be sent to the board
Board membership;
KD – proposes John Hobbs – Director at WCC should be incorporated into the board as he oversees the proposals for the Railway Quarter - board in agreement
LB/KD – proposes Pete Sugg from Young Solutions to come on as representative from the VCS – board in agreement
Two key stages:
RB – how can we ensure cross cutting themes
OP – have to wait to see the fully appraised options and then the options that are cross cutting will be visible
AF – agrees ring road segregates the town and AF questions how people working in the industrial estates outside of the town would use the train station. AF suggests that roundabouts could have artistic displays that relate to Redditch’s culture.
VH and OP to confirm the schedule for information distribution to the board to allow options to be fully assessed by the board. Suggestion of Monday 14 December to allow 4 working days for the board to assess the options.
GW – 4 working days may be too short notice and suggests 11/12 at 5pm to allow enough time for the board to read the documents in depth over the weekend and be prepared for the 18/12 meeting.
Board agree - LB and OP to distribute by 5pm on 11/12/2020 Action
7. Any other business
Friday 18 December 2020 at 11am - 12:30pm
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