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Minutes 16 July 2021

Teams meeting

1. Welcome and apologies


  • Chair (Adam Freeth)
  • Simon Hyde
  • Annette Daley
  • Ian Smith
  • Chris Forrester
  • Councillor Matthew Dormer
  • David Mitchell
  • Josh Godfrey
  • Maria Vitale
  • Penny Unwin
  • Shanazz Carroll
  • Leigh Walton
  • Kevin Dicks
  • Gary Woodman
  • Simon Geraghty


  • John Hobbs
  • Ostap Paparega
  • Julia Breakwell

2. Heads of Terms

These had been sent out and Lyndsey explained current position as per agenda papers.  Any queries back to Lyndsey. Lyndsey confirmed the £1m accelerated funding was in addition to the £15.6 million so £16.6 million in total.

3. Feedback from Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), formerly the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)

Lyndsey updated on this item as per papers sent with agenda.

Kevin said from Redditch Borough Council's consideration schemes need to be prioritised to the £15.6million; want to deliver all of them but that will have to be through securing other funding – the council cannot fund them.

Lyndsey said there is flexibility that schemes can be brought forward at later date if funding allows.

4. Prioritisation Approach and Parameters

Matt said there are other funding routes including West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA).  Rather do the projects we do well and seek to add others in as funding is secured (not top slice). Adam asked for comments against this basis.

Gary agreed saying top slicing is dangerous, make some hard decisions and then deliver those prioritised well.  This view was echoed by others on the Board.

Simon urged the need to protect projects against increasing costs eg steel. Lyndsey said this will be looked at and identifying risks. Simon G asked for some information on costs, timescales etc for consideration at the next Board meeting.  Suggested that we need to check with Government about flexibility and re-check on timescales/costs based as things are constantly changing.  Penny said there is contingency built in but will review this based on Simon’s comments.

Ian said unfortunately the position may be, if there are any increases, you have to cover the costs.  That they want to see the same value for money going forward.

Will discuss each project in more detail at next meeting with any further information regarding costings.

Kevin said he has reservations about paring back and asked Ian for more clarity. Matt said so saying costs could increase 20-30% to be done at the same quality on less money! Ian said look carefully at costs and contingencies – he cannot say it is ok to reduce output and increase costs.

Gary suggested going back to project leads to ask questions along the lines of a) review against business case based on new funding – what can be done b) if got 60% of money – can other sources be found  - what can they deliver c) if only gave 50% of money can it still be delivered.  Enables board to decide what funding can be allocated and may help prioritise and make decisions what projects move forward. This can be done using the prioritisation tool.

Simon G suggested we need to understand more on sequencing and consequence of changing projects will funding be lost.  Ian said it needs to be a light touch assessment – are we making sensible decisions based on what has been offered.  If half money offered then half the project outputs required; alongside heads of terms and changes based on evidence.

Kevin reiterated the parameters and 2 phased approach – all members in agreement with approach. There is a want to do it all, but must prioritise what we can do on funding currently available. Does paring back mean we can’t achieve what we can do.  Cannot do it all, unless extra £8m extra can be found within a month.

Adam asked if anyone has access or knowledge of additional funding say / follow up now.  Adjusted costs – timelines, deliverability and outcomes are main issues.

5. Project Prioritisation Tool Overview

Maria outlined/explained ‘Prioritisation’ excel spreadsheet to be completed.  Officers will now start work on this with support form the Towns Fund Delivery Partner.

6. Timeline Update

Sent out with agenda pack

7. Any other business

Nothing raised

8. Date of next meeting

An additional meeting will be scheduled in advance of 13 August prioritisation session.

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